Understanding of human migration history for better harmonious society.
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Dec 4, 2015

常染色體遺傳: 耳垢、初乳、狐臭、狐狸精 Autosomal: earwax, colostrum & body odor etc.

雖然Y染色體可追踪祖先, 但人體絕大多數的遺傳信息都是在常染色體和X染色體上, 只不過在下一代它們會發生重組,沒法用來追踪祖先的來源。但它們能分析出有關各種人的長相、性格、能力、疾病, 如耳垢、初乳、狐臭、粉刺、曬黑、膚色、捲髮、血型、高血壓、肥胖、瞳孔顏色、高原缺氧等。

人類走出熱帶非洲,在進入亞洲溫帶的過程中,第16號常染色體的ABCC11上發生基因突變,導致東方人的溼型耳垢(earwax)變乾, 還有母親的初乳分泌減少。 初乳(colostrum)是產仔後短時閒內分泌的乳汁,蛋白質含量比常乳高,包含有豐富的免疫球蛋白、乳鐵蛋白、生長因子等,有助於嬰兒增強體質。

溼性耳垢的人容易產生狐臭, 就是腋窩下出汗,分泌一些脂肪酸類, 這些本身氣味並不大,但被一些細菌分解, 產生一些臭的有機物。對於乾耳垢的人來說,因爲腋下脂肪酸分泌少,細菌也長得慢,哪怕幾天不洗澡也不會有狐臭。


狐臭在全世界各人羣的分佈比例非常不同, 這個突變主要分佈在華北中原地區, 因此在中國,狐臭反而成了極少數。韓國人跟中國人差不多,但日本人當中只有84%沒有狐臭。大洋洲土著只有30%沒有狐臭,白人裡面只有10%沒有狐臭, 黑人中只有0.5%沒有狐臭。印第安人也是大多沒有狐臭,說明他們是從亞洲過來的。日本人有狐臭的人集中在阿伊努人中,說明與大和民族的不同起源。

在動物中,體味有很大作用,是吸引異性的信息素, 所以說有狐臭才是人的常態。中國古詩說女子“香汗薄衫涼”,一香一臭,看似相反,其實原理完全相同。少了淡了就香,多了濃了就臭,香奈兒5號打翻了瓶子也是要熏死人的。

中國自古就有“狐狸精”的傳說,可能與狐臭有關。在古代,西方女子皮膚白皙、身材好,同時不拘禮教,招東方男性的喜歡,自然引起東方女子的妒嫉, 認為她們是狐狸變的,所以有狐臭。狐臭本來稱作“胡臭”,是區別胡漢的一種標誌。乾隆皇帝的香妃是維吾爾族人,參照下圖, 應該是香的。

下圖是ABCC11 (rs17822931位點)的兩種等位基因(alleles)在全球人羣的分佈比例,藍色爲C(顯性溼耳垢),黃色爲T(隱性)。

From polyhedron 復旦大學現代人類學實驗室

Oct 16, 2015

匈奴、孔子、曹操的基因 Genes of Hunnu, Confucius & Emperor Cao

匈奴是什麼民族? 至今仍未能考証, 有許多爭議, 主要資料都是透過中國文獻。公元350年左右,匈人(Huns)進入了歐洲,他們和匈奴人是否有血緣關係, 尚無定論。近年來使用DNA測試也許可以回答這一問題。(請看下面圖表和解釋)

匈奴 = 蒙古語:Hunnu, 粵語:Hung1-nou4, 廣韻:Hiong-no, 上古漢語:Qhoŋ-naa

近年新疆哈密地區巴里坤-黑溝梁墓地的發掘, 被認為是漢代匈奴夏季王庭所在地, 墓地人類遺骸檢測出全是Q類型: Q1a*, Q1b, Q*。 後來的研究表明,還存在幾例Q-M3, 即印第安人的主要類型之一。

也是在匈奴影響區域, 寧夏彭陽縣出土東周時期古墓, 遺骸檢測出全是Q1a1類型, 是東亞常見的單倍型類群。 墓葬旁邊有青銅劍,春秋戰國祇有貴族才能佩劍。孔子即出身貴族。

山西絳縣橫水村2004年發現西周墓地, 失落3000年的倗國橫空出世, 不見於史籍記載, 也許在商時已經存在。 其葬俗有相當大的非周人傳統, 古DNA 證明Q1a1是當時貴族血統。

蒙古北部額金河 Egyin Gol 和 東北部 Duurlig Nars 發現2000年前的匈奴古墓,根據對古墓中的DNA檢測,基因類似目前北亞蒙古人種, 還有一例是R1a1: 印歐人種。請看下面圖表:

孔子自稱是殷人,身高191厘米,被後世稱為「長人」,這是父親的遺傳。 最近,研究人員對曲阜地區1118名孔姓男性進行DNA檢測,發現有3種高頻單倍群:C3,Q1a1和O3,雖然O3是通常漢族單倍型,前兩者有著明顯的單祖先擴散結構,最可能是孔子類型。 當然我們假設孔子的後代仍然在曲阜地區, 是這樣嗎?請看幾個歷史事件。

1. 孔末亂孔: 孔末是一個雜役,按當時僕隨主姓的習俗姓孔, 在五代十國時期,眼見天下大亂,時局動盪,起了謀逆奪位的野心,大殺孔子後裔及四十二世孫孔光嗣,儼然以孔子嫡裔自居。他的後代世稱「外孔」。

2. 孔仁玉中興: 聽說孔光嗣的獨生子孔仁玉剛滿九月,被母親張氏抱回娘家撫養成人。在後唐明宗長興元年,魯人將孔末告之於官府, 孔末被殺, 孔仁玉恢復嫡裔,但他也有可能是張氏的長子。他的後代世稱「內孔」。

3. 元朝滅南宋後,欲召南宗孔氏回曲阜襲封奉祀,孔洙辭讓,蒙古人另冊封一個北宗“衍聖公”, 於是山東曲阜的孔府就這麼傳下來了。

在2009年,河南省安陽市宣布發現了曹操墓,質疑者甚眾。2010 年復旦大學現代人類學實驗室推行項目研究,結論證明曹操是O2a型的, 應是父親從本宗室過繼, 而非抱養自街頭乞丐,請看下面圖表, 詳情觀看下面視頻。

請看視頻: Click to see 《Y染色體攜帶的歷史》 from polyhedron 復旦大學現代人類學實驗室


Aug 12, 2015

走入川西民族走廊, 尋找東女國 Ethnic Corridor of West Sichuan, Ancient female nation

川西有許多少數民族世世代代居住在青藏高原的東緣, 有著自己獨特的語言和文化, 他們的地理位置, 主要依據各族群的語言(包括正走向消亡的語言)來劃分。



上次談到白馬藏族是東亞最古老的部族,他們的祖先是氐族。現在談嘉絨藏族, 他們的祖先同樣不是藏族, 而是羌族。大渡河畔居民主要是嘉絨藏族(看上圖), 專家認為他們是古代「東女國」的後裔。據《舊唐書﹒南蠻西南蠻傳》記載:「東女國,西羌之別稱,以西海中復有女國,故稱東女焉。俗以女為王。」

嘉絨文化可被視為民族走廊之精髓:獨具特色的石頭樓房,經幡飛揚;古老的石砌碉樓,神奇叵測;更有那佩戴手織腰帶、裙飾和頭巾的羌族女人,花枝招展。據稱蒙古滅西夏國後,西夏大批后宮妃嬪從甘肅經川西高原流入丹巴一帶,定居於此,將美麗的血質注入這了一方。最近羌支語系人群(丹巴、道孚、新龍、雅江, 看上面地圖)有了DNA檢測, 下表是羌支語、藏、彝、漢族的單倍群表。

這裡請看視頻: 在甘孜州的首府康定城開始,隨著大渡河畔,來到美麗的丹巴, 乘坐大金川牛皮船, 尋找東女國。

Click to watch All videos on Youtube web page.

Aug 8, 2015

青藏高原東緣的族群 Ethnic groups in eastern Tibetan Plateau


青海東北部是高原河谷,高度約在2000多公尺,大多是農區, 有藏族、土族、蒙古族、回族、撒拉族、漢族等。青海東邊接著甘肅南部的瑪曲、碌曲,地勢高為農牧混合區。再往東則是甘南的迭部、卓尼、舟曲等地,南接松潘之東的北川、平武。這些都是白龍江、湔江、涪江上游的高山縱谷地帶,居民主要是務農的藏、漢、回、羌族。青海東南到松潘草地是高原,有阿尼瑪卿與巴顏喀拉等山脈橫延其間,大部分地方皆只宜放牧, 居民主要是藏族。



Apr 10, 2015

人類的單倍羣、遷徙、歷史 Human's haplogroups, migration & history

各位只要花100美元基因檢測,就可以測你的單倍群(Haplogroup)。除非是外星人, 如果得到一個奇怪的結果,不要驚訝,因為這只是一個祖先,你還有2 的N次方個祖先。 單倍群和人種不一定有因果關係的(網上常誤導), 但可以探索族群起源與移徙。1990年美國投資三十億美元的人類基因組計劃(Human Genome Project)正式啟動,成為一個宏大 的跨國項目, 其宗旨在於測定人類基因及其序列,破譯遺傳信息, 對生命科學、醫學有深遠的影響。

單倍群是一組類似的單倍型(Haplotype), 有一個共同的古老基因突變(mutation), 可用來標記數千、萬年前的祖先來源。在人類遺傳學中,最常被拿來研究的單倍群, 是Y染色體(Y-DNA)單倍群(父傳子)和線粒體DNA(mtDNA)單倍群(母傳女)。 在下面的進化樹圖中,全世界人的Y-DNA單倍羣編號是從A到T字母。所有非洲之外男性都有一個最近共祖,在他身上有一個基因突變標記M168(一路發)。非洲之外人數雖然很多,但從進化樹上看,都只屬於比較下游的支系。

在7萬多年前人類走出非洲,其中D和E型的人群可能是在六、七萬年前紅海附近分離。攜帶E型的人回到非洲,成為非洲西部的Negroid大黑人;而攜帶D型的人輾轉向東遷徙,成為東南亞的Negrito小黑人。兩種人的分佈相距如此遙遠,而Negroid人非常高大,往往超過180厘米,而Negrito人一般不會超過150厘米。D型廣泛分佈於藏族及周邊民族, 約1萬年前, 獨特的類型D2-M55出現在日本。

跨過紅海後的C和F型人群,演化成了不同的人種。 C型在五、六萬年前擴散到東亞、東南亞、澳大利亞、南太平洋島嶼,也被稱為澳大利亞人種。而F型則是歐亞和印第安人的祖先, 大約在三、四萬年前F型開始擴張,其下有G、H、I、J、L、T在歐亞大陸西部成為高加索人種。高加索人種雖然往往被稱為白人,但是膚色不一定很白。K型下有N、O、Q、R, 大約2萬年前,Q和R型人群來到了中亞,部分Q型繼續東遷,大約1.5萬年前跨過白令海峽進入美洲,形成印第安人種。 R型是中亞地區的主要類群,但同時大量向西遷徙加入高加索人種,成為歐洲常見人群。

也是大約2萬年前N和O型人群來到東亞。大約1.3萬年前,N型的人從東亞擴張到北亞和北歐。這部分人在歐洲號稱自己是黃種人,但怎麼看都不像,也許他們覺得自己跟周圍的白種人差別太大,把這些差異給放大了。然後O型是東亞人最主要的類型,在東亞人裡面,幾乎占70到80%, 下面分O1、O2、O3三大種類。 O1出現在中國東南的百越民族的後代,包括侗傣語係與南島語系的這些民族,台灣高山族像阿美族占100%。O2型分兩部分,一個分支出現在華南、南亞、東南亞,另外一個分支出現在日本、朝鮮、中國東北。中國大部分民族裡面都有O3,在漢族裡占到50–60%


Apr 8, 2015

走出伊甸園, 羊的傳人 Out of Eden, Shepherd Linkage

在7萬多年前, 有幾百人在紅海南端走出非洲,他們就是全世界70億人類(不包括非洲裔)的祖先。我們是怎麼知道的? 在2005年, 有一項龐大的國際「基因地理計劃」( Genographic Project), 藉在全球收集人類的基因樣本,探索人類起源及全球移徙擴散,其中東亞和東南亞地區的研究, 是由復旦大學現代人類學實驗室負責的, 目前基本框架已經明晰了。

出走非洲有一位男性,他的Y染色體(父傳子)有一個基因突變標記,叫M168(中文:一路發),他是70億人的祖先, 其中全部男性都有這標記。(母傳女)是用線粒體mtDNA標記, 現代人的基因可以追溯到約十幾萬年前的一位非洲女性,科學家稱為「粒線體夏娃」(Mitochondrial Eve), 所有的人都是她的後代。與她相對的父系祖先「Y染色體亞當」(Y-chromosomal Adam),是生存在不同年代, 估計也超過十幾萬年。“亞當”和“夏娃“不必相遇,只要他們的基因分別流傳下來就夠了。
Click to see larger map:
在7萬多年前, 地球處於末次冰期,氣候迅速變冷, 非洲大陸出現大範圍的乾旱, 使人類出走非洲, 直接通過阿拉伯半島、印度南部,沿海岸線遷徙到東南亞, 約5~6萬年前到達了澳大利亞(左圖左邊: C4群), 而漢藏苗瑤族的祖先, 要在2萬年前, 沿著青藏高原東邊向北遷徙, 才走入中國(左圖右邊: O3群)

目前專家認為, O3人群到達了中國的西部, 形成古羌族群。 後來一些古羌人往東定居, 學會了農業種植,不再是遊牧民族,人口很快的增長,形成了兩大對立, 生活方式不同的漢人和羌人。 許多學者相信,秦周的祖先是古羌人, 商的祖先是從東北來的, 但這些民族後來都變成漢族了。我有另文從考古材料來看: 秦周商的不同

“羌”字,最早就見於殷商甲骨文, “羊”和“人”的合文。商人有用羌人祭神的習俗, 在甲骨卜辭中,2000餘條有人祭, 其中記載“人牲”近8000為“羌”, 顯然商人是非常不同的民族。但學術界對“羌”是專指羌方國或羌族,還是商土以西各部族的泛稱,一直存在爭議。 漢人是後來的名稱, 源於漢朝, 華夏人名稱源於周朝, 我有另文討論: 華夏人是誰?


Apr 6, 2015

東亞民族單倍羣分佈 Haplogroup distribution in East Asia

從人類考古學來看,末次冰期發生於人類的舊石器時代與中石器時代, 隨著地球走出末次冰期,人類也進入了新石器時代(約1萬年前),開始從事農業和畜牧。最早到達東亞、東南亞的人群是C和D單倍群, G, J, N, O, Q和R, 都是末次冰期結束前分支出來的,很可能起源於東南亞。 C、D、N和O, 是東亞四個主要單倍群,約占到東亞男性的93%。 O是東亞最大的單倍群,約占75%的中國人以及超過50%的日本人。 O3是中國最常見的單倍群,遍及整個東亞和東南亞,佔漢族50-60%左右。 C、D、N、O和Q常見於歐亞大陸東部,J、G和R常見於歐亞西部。現在已知大部分的歐亞東部支系, 是在舊石器時代晚期產生的。(見下文人類遷徙Posts)



幾乎全部的漢藏族群都有一個共同的Y染色體O3遺傳特徵,羌族的Y染色體多樣性在藏東裡是最高的。 如今漢藏緬語之間的關係已經非常清楚了,估算漢語與藏緬語約在6千年前分開。羌語支語言被認為是漢藏語系中最古老的類型,可能是漢藏語的源頭。


Apr 4, 2015

東亞、東南亞的人類遷徙 Human migration in East & Southeast Asia

Click to see larger map:
人群的遷徙和分佈與氣候有著密切的關係,在距今約11萬至1萬之間,地球處於末次冰期, 海平面比較低,東南亞島嶼與大陸相連(叫巽他古陸Sundaland, 見左圖), 牛津大學教授Stephen Oppenheimer, 稱之為東方的伊甸園。 那時北方比較冷, 巽他古陸的天氣,食物和環境,則比較適合人類生活。

距今2.65萬年到1.9-2萬年間(叫末次冰盛期),是氣候最寒冷、冰川規模最大時期,亞洲的絕大部分、北歐和北美都被冰雪覆蓋,人類的生存空間縮小。 大約1.5萬年前,氣溫開始轉暖,冰川也開始退卻,人類才迎來了遷徙的好時刻。

地球在氣溫開始轉暖時, 有一O3人群沿著青藏高原東邊向北遷徙,進入中國的西部, 形成了古羌族群, 或者稱為氐羌族群,而氐族與羌族是否為同一民族, 或者原先“氐”並非族稱, 至今未有定論。

現在許多羌語支語言的民族, 分佈在四川西部的河谷地區,這裡被稱為“四川民族(藏彝)走廊”,連接著黃河中上游和藏東,極可能是古人群起源和遷徙的通道。也有證據,有一支O3北遷徙進入中國東部地區。

Above map is from Wikipedia with possible migration routes according to the Coastal Migration Model (2013).

Apr 2, 2015

走入藏區, 探秘東亞最古老的部族 East Asia's oldest tribe in Tibetan area

事實上西藏只是藏區的一部分,傳統上藏區包括衛藏、安多和康區, 廣義的藏區還包含不丹、錫金與拉達克。「不丹」意思是「Bod的終結」,藏人自稱Bod, 暗示不丹是位於藏文化的最南端。

藏區古稱吐蕃, 現今讀"Tubo", 儘管以前的數千年中沒有任何記錄有這種讀法, 只有讀Tufan。另外日本人讀作Toban, 朝鮮人讀作Tupan, 越南人讀作Thổphồn, 都和漢語的讀音相映。


另外白馬藏族並不是藏族,他們的祖先為氐人,現在發現他們是東亞最古老的部族。人類在7~8萬年前走出非洲,他們的祖先就在4~5萬年前到了中國,大約是人類到達澳大利亞時間,這是驚人的發現, 單倍群O型人在2萬年前,才走入中國。 氐與羌族是否為同一民族,下次再討論。(見前文Posts)


Click to watch All videos on Youtube web page.

Mar 9, 2015

奇妙的人類旅程 - 中文視頻 Incredible Human Journey - Chinese video

這是根據 Alice Roberts 的BBC節目"Incredible Human Journey", 另外製作的中文視頻, 原節目請看下面Blog 英文視頻。愛麗絲羅伯特博士研究了頭骨、石器和最新的科學理論,來尋找一小群人是如何離開非洲,其後人走過沙漠、海洋和高山,逃過冰河期,征服尼安德特人(Neanderthal),從而在世界各個地方安居樂業。

Click to see the 【CCTV纪录片】人类旅程 Human Journey 中文視頻. Youtube version is canceled.
The descriptions of five-episodes are located in "comments".

Mar 8, 2015

Incredible Human Journey - English video 英文視頻 2011

Click to watch the Playlist with 30 episodes

The descriptions of five-episodes are located in "comments".

Feb 6, 2015

Y染色體在全世界的譜系 World's Y-DNA haplogroup distribution 2008

C-M130:較早期到達東亞的人群,高頻於阿爾泰語系的蒙古、滿、哈薩克等族及澳大利亞 土著等,漢人中通常5 – 10%
D-M174:較早期到達東亞的人群,在西藏、日本等地將近一半,在漢族和南方少數民族也 有較低比例分佈
N-M231:較晚期到達東亞的人群。阿爾泰語系、芬蘭人等中高頻分佈,在中國廣泛分佈, 漢人中通常10%以下,部分少數民族中較高頻
         O3-M122:中國最常見的單倍群,遍及整個東亞和東南亞,占漢族50 – 60%左右

*Quoted from polyhedron

Feb 4, 2015

單倍羣 Haplogroup CT 2019-6-22

Updated 2019-6-22 from Wikipedia.
Haplogroup CT (M168/PF1416)

Jan 4, 2015

Time: Why Your DNA Isn't Your Destiny 為何你的基因不是命運的主宰 2010

Time magazine published a special report "Why Your DNA Isn’t Your Destiny" in 2010. Though it is a little bit out of date, but it is easy to read. 時代雜誌於 2010 年 發表了一個特別報導 "為何你的基因不是命運的主宰", 雖然有點過時,但它很容易閱讀。

The remote, snow-swept expanses of northern Sweden are an unlikely place to begin a story about cutting-edge genetic science. The kingdom's northernmost county, Norrbotten, is nearly free of human life; an average of just six people live in each square mile. And yet this tiny population can reveal a lot about how genes work in our everyday lives.

Norrbotten is so isolated that in the 19th century, if the harvest was bad, people starved. The starving years were all the crueler for their unpredictability. For instance, 1800, 1812, 1821, 1836 and 1856 were years of total crop failure and extreme suffering. But in 1801, 1822, 1828, 1844 and 1863, the land spilled forth such abundance that the same people who had gone hungry in previous winters were able to gorge themselves for months.

In the 1980s, Dr. Lars Olov Bygren, a preventive-health specialist who is now at the prestigious Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, began to wonder what long-term effects the feast and famine years might have had on children growing up in Norrbotten in the 19th century — and not just on them but on their kids and grandkids as well. So he drew a random sample of 99 individuals born in the Overkalix parish of Norrbotten in 1905 and used historical records to trace their parents and grandparents back to birth. By analyzing meticulous agricultural records, Bygren and two colleagues determined how much food had been available to the parents and grandparents when they were young.

Around the time he started collecting the data, Bygren had become fascinated with research showing that conditions in the womb could affect your health not only when you were a fetus but well into adulthood. In 1986, for example, the Lancet published the first of two groundbreaking papers showing that if a pregnant woman ate poorly, her child would be at significantly higher than average risk for cardiovascular disease as an adult. Bygren wondered whether that effect could start even before pregnancy: Could parents' experiences early in their lives somehow change the traits they passed to their offspring?

It was a heretical idea. After all, we have had a long-standing deal with biology: whatever choices we make during our lives might ruin our short-term memory or make us fat or hasten death, but they won't change our genes — our actual DNA. Which meant that when we had kids of our own, the genetic slate would be wiped clean.

What's more, any such effects of nurture (environment) on a species' nature (genes) were not supposed to happen so quickly. Charles Darwin, whose On the Origin of Species celebrated its 150th anniversary in November, taught us that evolutionary changes take place over many generations and through millions of years of natural selection. But Bygren and other scientists have now amassed historical evidence suggesting that powerful environmental conditions (near death from starvation, for instance) can somehow leave an imprint on the genetic material in eggs and sperm. These genetic imprints can short-circuit evolution and pass along new traits in a single generation.

For instance, Bygren's research showed that in Overkalix, boys who enjoyed those rare overabundant winters — kids who went from normal eating to gluttony in a single season — produced sons and grandsons who lived shorter lives. Far shorter: in the first paper Bygren wrote about Norrbotten, which was published in 2001 in the Dutch journal Acta Biotheoretica, he showed that the grandsons of Overkalix boys who had overeaten died an average of six years earlier than the grandsons of those who had endured a poor harvest. Once Bygren and his team controlled for certain socioeconomic variations, the difference in longevity jumped to an astonishing 32 years. Later papers using different Norrbotten cohorts also found significant drops in life span and discovered that they applied along the female line as well, meaning that the daughters and granddaughters of girls who had gone from normal to gluttonous diets also lived shorter lives. To put it simply, the data suggested that a single winter of overeating as a youngster could initiate a biological chain of events that would lead one's grandchildren to die decades earlier than their peers did. How could this be possible?

Meet the Epigenome

The answer lies beyond both nature and nurture. Bygren's data — along with those of many other scientists working separately over the past 20 years — have given birth to a new science called epigenetics. At its most basic, epigenetics is the study of changes in gene activity that do not involve alterations to the genetic code but still get passed down to at least one successive generation. These patterns of gene expression are governed by the cellular material — the epigenome — that sits on top of the genome, just outside it (hence the prefix epi-, which means above). It is these epigenetic "marks" that tell your genes to switch on or off, to speak loudly or whisper. It is through epigenetic marks that environmental factors like diet, stress and prenatal nutrition can make an imprint on genes that is passed from one generation to the next.

Epigenetics brings both good news and bad. Bad news first: there's evidence that lifestyle choices like smoking and eating too much can change the epigenetic marks atop your DNA in ways that cause the genes for obesity to express themselves too strongly and the genes for longevity to express themselves too weakly. We all know that you can truncate your own life if you smoke or overeat, but it's becoming clear that those same bad behaviors can also predispose your kids — before they are even conceived — to disease and early death.

The good news: scientists are learning to manipulate epigenetic marks in the lab, which means they are developing drugs that treat illness simply by silencing bad genes and jump-starting good ones. In 2004 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved an epigenetic drug for the first time. Azacitidine is used to treat patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (usually abbreviated, a bit oddly, to MDS), a group of rare and deadly blood malignancies. The drug uses epigenetic marks to dial down genes in blood precursor cells that have become overexpressed. According to Celgene Corp. — the Summit, N.J., company that makes azacitidine — people given a diagnosis of serious MDS live a median of two years on azacitidine; those taking conventional blood medications live just 15 months.

Since 2004, the FDA has approved three other epigenetic drugs that are thought to work at least in part by stimulating tumor-suppressor genes that disease has silenced. The great hope for ongoing epigenetic research is that with the flick of a biochemical switch, we could tell genes that play a role in many diseases — including cancer, schizophrenia, autism, Alzheimer's, diabetes and many others — to lie dormant. We could, at long last, have a trump card to play against Darwin.

The funny thing is, scientists have known about epigenetic marks since at least the 1970s. But until the late '90s, epigenetic phenomena were regarded as a sideshow to the main event, DNA. To be sure, epigenetic marks were always understood to be important: after all, a cell in your brain and a cell in your kidney contain the exact same DNA, and scientists have long known that nascent cells can differentiate only when crucial epigenetic processes turn on or turn off the right genes in utero.

More recently, however, researchers have begun to realize that epigenetics could also help explain certain scientific mysteries that traditional genetics never could: for instance, why one member of a pair of identical twins can develop bipolar disorder or asthma even though the other is fine. Or why autism strikes boys four times as often as girls. Or why extreme changes in diet over a short period in Norrbotten could lead to extreme changes in longevity. In these cases, the genes may be the same, but their patterns of expression have clearly been tweaked.

Biologists offer this analogy as an explanation: if the genome is the hardware, then the epigenome is the software. "I can load Windows, if I want, on my Mac," says Joseph Ecker, a Salk Institute biologist and leading epigenetic scientist. "You're going to have the same chip in there, the same genome, but different software. And the outcome is a different cell type."

How to Make a Better Mouse

As momentous as epigenetics sounds, the chemistry of at least one of its mechanisms is fairly simple. Darwin taught us that it takes many generations for a genome to evolve, but researchers have found that it takes only the addition of a methyl group to change an epigenome. A methyl group is a basic unit in organic chemistry: one carbon atom attached to three hydrogen atoms. When a methyl group attaches to a specific spot on a gene — a process called DNA methylation — it can change the gene's expression, turning it off or on, dampening it or making it louder.

The importance of DNA methylation in altering the physical characteristics of an organism was proposed in the 1970s, yet it wasn't until 2003 that anyone experimented with DNA methylation quite as dramatically as Duke University oncologist Randy Jirtle and one of his postdoctoral students, Robert Waterland, did. That year, they conducted an elegant experiment on mice with a uniquely regulated agouti gene — a gene that gives mice yellow coats and a propensity for obesity and diabetes when expressed continuously. Jirtle's team fed one group of pregnant agouti mice a diet rich in B vitamins (folic acid and vitamin B12). Another group of genetically identical pregnant agouti mice got no such prenatal nutrition.

The B vitamins acted as methyl donors: they caused methyl groups to attach more frequently to the agouti gene in utero, thereby altering its expression. And so without altering the genomic structure of mouse DNA — simply by furnishing B vitamins — Jirtle and Waterland got agouti mothers to produce healthy brown pups that were of normal weight and not prone to diabetes.

Other recent studies have also shown the power of environment over gene expression. For instance, fruit flies exposed to a drug called geldanamycin show unusual outgrowths on their eyes that can last through at least 13 generations of offspring even though no change in DNA has occurred (and generations 2 through 13 were not directly exposed to the drug). Similarly, according to a paper published last year in the Quarterly Review of Biology by Eva Jablonka (an epigenetic pioneer) and Gal Raz of Tel Aviv University, roundworms fed with a kind of bacteria can feature a small, dumpy appearance and a switched-off green fluorescent protein; the changes last at least 40 generations. (Jablonka and Raz's paper catalogs some 100 forms of epigenetic inheritance.)

Can epigenetic changes be permanent? Possibly, but it's important to remember that epigenetics isn't evolution. It doesn't change DNA. Epigenetic changes represent a biological response to an environmental stressor. That response can be inherited through many generations via epigenetic marks, but if you remove the environmental pressure, the epigenetic marks will eventually fade, and the DNA code will — over time — begin to revert to its original programming. That's the current thinking, anyway: that only natural selection causes permanent genetic change.

And yet even if epigenetic inheritance doesn't last forever, it can be hugely powerful. In February 2009, the Journal of Neuroscience published a paper showing that even memory — a wildly complex biological and psychological process — can be improved from one generation to the next via epigenetics. The paper described an experiment with mice led by Larry Feig, a Tufts University biochemist. Feig's team exposed mice with genetic memory problems to an environment rich with toys, exercise and extra attention. These mice showed significant improvement in long-term potentiation (LTP), a form of neural transmission that is key to memory formation. Surprisingly, their offspring also showed LTP improvement, even when the offspring got no extra attention.

All this explains why the scientific community is so nervously excited about epigenetics. In his forthcoming book The Genius in All of Us: Why Everything You've Been Told About Genetics, Talent and IQ Is Wrong, science writer David Shenk says epigenetics is helping usher in a "new paradigm" that "reveals how bankrupt the phrase 'nature versus nurture' really is." He calls epigenetics "perhaps the most important discovery in the science of heredity since the gene."

Geneticists are quietly acknowledging that we may have too easily dismissed an early naturalist who anticipated modern epigenetics — and whom Darwinists have long disparaged. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829) argued that evolution could occur within a generation or two. He posited that animals acquired certain traits during their lifetimes because of their environment and choices. The most famous Lamarckian example: giraffes acquired their long necks because their recent ancestors had stretched to reach high, nutrient-rich leaves.

In contrast, Darwin argued that evolution works not through the fire of effort but through cold, impartial selection. By Darwinist thinking, giraffes got their long necks over millennia because genes for long necks had, very slowly, gained advantage. Darwin, who was 84 years younger than Lamarck, was the better scientist, and he won the day. Lamarckian evolution came to be seen as a scientific blunder. Yet epigenetics is now forcing scientists to re-evaluate Lamarck's ideas.

Solving the Overkalix Mystery

By early 2000, it seemed clear to Bygren that the feast and famine years in 19th century Norrbotten had caused some form of epigenetic change in the population. But he wasn't sure how this worked. Then he ran across an obscure 1996 paper by Dr. Marcus Pembrey, a prominent geneticist at University College London.

Published in the Italian journal Acta Geneticae Medicae et Gemellologiae, Pembrey's paper, now considered seminal in epigenetic theory, was contentious at the time; major journals had rejected it. Although he is a committed Darwinist, Pembrey used the paper — a review of available epigenetic science — to speculate beyond Darwin: What if the environmental pressures and social changes of the industrial age had become so powerful that evolution had begun to demand that our genes respond faster? What if our DNA now had to react not over many generations and millions of years but, as Pembrey wrote, within "a few, or moderate number, of generations"?

This shortened timetable would mean that genes themselves wouldn't have had enough years to change. But, Pembrey reasoned, maybe the epigenetic marks atop DNA would have had time to change. Pembrey wasn't sure how you would test such a grand theory, and he put the idea aside after the Acta paper appeared. But in May 2000, out of the blue, he received an e-mail from Bygren — whom he did not know — about the Overkalix life-expectancy data. The two struck up a friendship and began discussing how to construct a new experiment that would clarify the Overkalix mystery.

Pembrey and Bygren knew they needed to replicate the Overkalix findings, but of course you can't conduct an experiment in which some kids starve and others overeat. (You also wouldn't want to wait 60 years for the results.) By coincidence, Pembrey had access to another incredible trove of genetic information. He had long been on the board of the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC), a unique research project based at the University of Bristol, in England. Founded by Pembrey's friend Jean Golding, an epidemiologist at the university, ALSPAC has followed thousands of young people and their parents since before the kids were born, in 1991 and 1992. For the study, Golding and her staff recruited 14,024 pregnant mothers — 70% of all the women in the Bristol area who were pregnant during the 20-month recruitment period.

The ALSPAC parents and kids have undergone extensive medical and psychological testing every year since. Recently, I met an ALSPAC baby, Tom Gibbs, who is now a sturdy 17-year-old. I accompanied him as clinicians measured his height (178 cm, or 5 ft. 8 in., not including spiked blond hair), the bone density of his left femur (1.3 g/sq cm, which is above average) and a host of other physical traits.

All this data collection was designed from the outset to show how the individual's genotype combines with environmental pressures to influence health and development. ALSPAC data have offered several important insights: baby lotions containing peanut oil may be partly responsible for the rise in peanut allergies; high maternal anxiety during pregnancy is associated with the child's later development of asthma; little kids who are kept too clean are at higher risk for eczema.

But Pembrey, Bygren and Golding — now all working together — used the data to produce a more groundbreaking paper, the most compelling epigenetic study yet written. Published in 2006 in the European Journal of Human Genetics, it noted that of the 14,024 fathers in the study, 166 said they had started smoking before age 11 — just as their bodies were preparing to enter puberty. Boys are genetically isolated before puberty because they cannot form sperm. (Girls, by contrast, have their eggs from birth.) That makes the period around puberty fertile ground for epigenetic changes: If the environment is going to imprint epigenetic marks on genes in the Y chromosome, what better time to do it than when sperm is first starting to form?

When Pembrey, Bygren and Golding looked at the sons of those 166 early smokers, it turned out that the boys had significantly higher body mass indexes than other boys by age 9. That means the sons of men who smoke in prepuberty will be at higher risk for obesity and other health problems well into adulthood. It's very likely these boys will also have shorter life spans, just as the children of the Overkalix overeaters did. "The coherence between the ALSPAC and Overkalix results in terms of the exposure-sensitive periods and sex specificity supports the hypothesis that there is a general mechanism for transmitting information about the ancestral environment down the male line," Pembrey, Bygren, Golding and their colleagues concluded in the European Journal of Human Genetics paper. In other words, you can change your epigenetics even when you make a dumb decision at 10 years old. If you start smoking then, you may have made not only a medical mistake but a catastrophic genetic mistake.

Exploring Epigenetic Potential

How can we harness the power of epigenetics for good? In 2008 the National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced it would pour $190 million into a multilab, nationwide initiative to understand "how and when epigenetic processes control genes." Dr. Elias Zerhouni, who directed the NIH when it awarded the grant, said at the time — in a phrase slightly too dry for its import — that epigenetics had become "a central issue in biology."

This past October, the NIH grant started to pay off. Scientists working jointly at a fledgling, largely Internet-based effort called the San Diego Epigenome Center announced with colleagues from the Salk Institute — the massive La Jolla, Calif., think tank founded by the man who discovered the polio vaccine — that they had produced "the first detailed map of the human epigenome."

The claim was a bit grandiose. In fact, the scientists had mapped only a certain portion of the epigenomes of two cell types (an embryonic stem cell and another basic cell called a fibroblast). There are at least 210 cell types in the human body — and possibly far more, according to Ecker, the Salk biologist, who worked on the epigenome maps. Each of the 210 cell types is likely to have a different epigenome. That's why Ecker calls the $190 million grant from NIH "peanuts" compared with the probable end cost of figuring out what all the epigenetic marks are and how they work in concert.

Remember the Human Genome Project? Completed in March 2000, the project found that the human genome contains something like 25,000 genes; it took $3 billion to map them all. The human epigenome contains an as yet unknowable number of patterns of epigenetic marks, a number so big that Ecker won't even speculate on it. The number is certainly in the millions. A full epigenome map will require major advances in computing power. When completed, the Human Epigenome Project (already under way in Europe) will make the Human Genome Project look like homework that 15th century kids did with an abacus.

But the potential is staggering. For decades, we have stumbled around massive Darwinian roadblocks. DNA, we thought, was an ironclad code that we and our children and their children had to live by. Now we can imagine a world in which we can tinker with DNA, bend it to our will. It will take geneticists and ethicists many years to work out all the implications, but be assured: the age of epigenetics has arrived.

Jan. 06, 2010 by John Cloud

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